Monthly Archives: July 2017


JSplacement is a rather cool pseudo-random 8k displacement map generator made with JavaScript. It generates grayscale height maps that can be used for displacement. Below are some tests using Arnold.

The image below required a higher than normal number of Subdiv Iterations (9) to capture the fine detail from the generated displacement map.


Obligatory ‘disturbing’ render

Arnold 5 Cryptomatte


Psyop have announced the beta release of Cryptomatte for Arnold 5, as well as version 1.2.0-Beta of the Cryptomatte specification, and reference Nuke implementation.
Note that this is a beta release, both for AlShaders and Nuke.

Arnold 5: (AlShaders2):

Nuke and Fusion:

Arnold 5 Cryptomatte

Cryptomatte for Arnold 5 is being released as part of AlShaders, as before, but is now a standalone node.  Arnold 5.0.1 adds support for “AOV shaders”, which allow code to run on all materials in a scene, without manually connecting passthrough nodes.  This improves the workflow in numerous ways.  Using a central AOV shader node gives easy access to global Cryptomatte settings (on the one central Cryptomatte node).  It is now also much easier for a studio to create a customized version of Cryptomatte, since the code does not need to be embedded in a surface shader.  In addition to adopting the AOV shader methodology, we’ve added other features as well, such as sidecar manifests that work with deferred-loaded stand-ins, and “integer offsets” for modifying names.

Arnold 5 Documentation: Cryptomatte documentationMtoAMAXtoAC4DtoA, HtoA.